Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Busy Week!

Anika - almost 2 weeks old in this picture.

This last week has been a full one, so I'll try to bring you up to date on all of our happenings. Anika has been a good little girl so far. Tonight she had a crying spell for 10-15 minutes and that is the first time she has been like that. We are really enjoying her.

Last week, a great surprise came in the mail from my sister Stacia. She sent clothes from her girls that are adorable and will be a great help. She also included some other goodies, like Girl Scout Cookies. Yummy!!!!

Then last Friday, Brad's parents arrived. Here they are at the airport meeting Anika for the first time. Broderick was very excited to see them.

They brought a suitcase of gifts from back home, so it was a little like Christmas for us. There were even things for Broderick. Thank you so much everyone who sent things. We have the best family and friends.

Jane, my mom-in-law, made the most precious quilt for Anika. I love it!

Here's most of the gifts.

The first Saturday they were here was supposed to be beautiful (in the 60s), so we were going to go to the beach and then also up to Skagen which is the most northern part of Denmark and its where the North Sea and part of the Baltic Sea meet.

Grandpa and Broderick at the beach.

Walking in Løkken.

Grandma and Broderick in Skagen. Unfortunately, the weather turned really cold and breezy in Skagen, so we didn't stay there long. Note Broderick's cool sunglasses that his cousins sent him.

On Sunday, we went to church together. That afternoon, Brad and I left for Copenhagen with Anika.

Anika's first plane trip at 2 weeks old. She slept through the entire thing.

Sleeping in our hotel room.

At the embassey

We were a bit disappointed in our embassey. All the other embasseys were these beautiful old buildings. America's looked like an office building from the 1970's. The security is very tight there. Taxis aren't allowed to pull up in front of it. You basically have to leave almost everything with the gaurds while you're inside too. Even my insulin pump had to be taken off and given to the gaurds. But, everything went smoothly inside. So, Anika is now registered as an American citizen and hopefully we'll get her passport soon.

Brad and Anika in front of Radhuspladsen.

In our hotel lobby.

Grandpa and Grandma took good care of Broderick while we were away. Here they are relaxing in our back yard.

Grandpa and Broderick playing frisbee.

They took a walk to the park.

Broderick eating cereal in the morning, looking at the boxes.

That's her quilt her Grandma made behind her.

Ron went to work with Brad a couple of days. Broderick of course had to take Grandma to Jumboland.

We were able to eat outside tonight, the weather has been so nice.

Today we went to a forest about 40 minutes south of us that has a part that is 300-400 years old. Roldskov Forest is the name of it and supposedly there are trolls that live there.

It is full of gnarly old green trees.It was pretty cool.

Ron and Broderick both needed walking sticks.

Hiking along. Broderick did so good. And walked the whole time without complaining. Anika slept the whole time in the baby carrier.

Our little boy!

Brad has a 5 day weekend because of Easter. We're not sure what else we'll do, but I'm sure we'll have fun. Its been nice having family here and so glad they get the chance to meet Anika and spend some time with Broderick. Its hard not seeing family, but even harder not having your kids see family. So I'm so thankful that Broderick gets this time with his grandparents.


  1. What fun adventures you all have...those trees look like great fun. Glad to hear how your days are going. Thinking of you often.

  2. Wow!
    Everything looks so cool. Anika is getting big already. What types of food, objects, items do you miss from the U.S?

  3. Megan....Anika is so adorable!! I can't wait to meet her! I'm so glad she sounds like she's doing well there and is a good baby! We miss you and think of you all often. I love looking at your blog here! How are you feeling? You look great for just having a baby! =)

  4. So cute to see her in Reesa's clothes....brings back many memories. How time flies! See you soon :) stac

  5. Isn't it just great getting care packages!!! ??? We got one from a close neighbor, Japan, what a blessing. Things were in it that we haven't had for awhile.
