Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Megan is 30 ... boo hoo!

On June 4th, 1979 my parents were blessed with a baby girl ... that baby girl of course was me. At least I hope they feel it was a blessing. I can't believe its been 30 years since that happened. I'm a little sad by this, as it makes me feel a little bit OLD! We were able to celebrate by Brad and I going out ... by ourselves! What a treat! Thanks Fiona!
I'm so lucky to have such a great little boy.
Going out on our date!
I was so lucky to get a couple of packages in the mail too!!!! My mom sent me a "Birthday Party in a Box". With the #30 all over the package so everyone would know how old I was turning. Thanks a lot mom. There were all sorts of goodies from back home, for everyone - even Fiona! Thanks so much mom!
I've had a great 30 years so far. I know everyone says it, but it is so true how fast time goes. It still feels like I'm just out of high school. I hope I have many more years with my family and I hope the remaining are as good as the first 30 have been. Thanks to all my family and friends for the great years you've given me! I wish I was closer to celebrate with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Megan. Just wait till you hit the 40's it doesn't feel to different. LOL! Amen to the time flying.
