Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Updates from our everday life

I just wanted to give you an update of our everyday life here, because in between our travels and visitors we do still live our normal life.

In 2 weeks, Broderick starts kindergarten. They call it børnehave here. This is hard on me. He is not quite 3 years old. When we moved here I dealt with sending him to dagpleje, but he has loved it there and I am so comfortable with Hanne, the lady who watches him. So its hard to change to something new, something unknown. There are many kids, compared to just 4. He's the little guy there too, as there are 3-6 year olds in the børnehave. I'm also a little worried about the language. His dagpleje mor understands english well, so he gets away with not speaking a lot of Danish, he may be forced to step up his language skills.
But ... I don't know why I'm so worried. Broderick is SO excited. We went to visit last week and he loved it. Everywhere we toured he wanted to stop and play and he wasn't happy when we left. Also, one of the boys who was in his dagpleje is also in his new class.
I'll have to pack his lunch when he goes to børnehave, so I asked Hanne his dagpleje mor what he has been eating in dagpleje. She informs me he likes liver puree, cold makrel and pickled herring!!!! What? Are you sure? Broderick - the boy I can't get to drink milk or eat a green bean? He eats cold fish on grainy rye bread .... and he likes it? I still am not sure I believe it!!!
These are pictures of Broderick walking with this dagpleje group. Usually 2-4 times per week, they walk somewhere to town to meet up with other groups or play in a park. The little kids sit in the barnevogn and the bigger kids walk along the side holding on. They walk far, almost a mile to some places. You will see groups like this all over town during the week going to their different destinations. They don't move at a very fast pace, but they get there!
One of the places Broderick goes to during the week is called legestue. It means "play room" and their dagpleje group meets with a few others. He loves it and it is the highlight of the week for him. Yesterday was his last time going.
Here he is ready to go to legestue.
Anika is getting so big too. She's almost 5 months old. She's eating cereal now ... she makes a huge mess.... but she enjoys it! Things are very expensive in Denmark, but one thing is constant throughout the world and that's IKEA. Its cheap even here, but its 1 1/2 hours away. I drove there yesterday to get a highchair for Anika (only 100 kroners - that's less than 20$). I get there and all they had were blue! So Anika gets a boy highchair. Oh well, I don't think she cares. She loves sitting in it. She loves to look around and see what is going on, so this puts her at our level and she likes that.

The other day we walked downtown. Here's Brad with the kids on one of the many walking paths and below is Broderick and I in our park. They have a ton of hydrangeas blooming right now. Very pretty!

In two days, Brad's cousin Jeff and Terrean and their two kids and his sister Marie are coming to visit. We are SO excited to see them. We are going to Skallerup Klit, a resort on the coast near here for 4 days. It will be perfect for the kids as there is so much to do there. We're looking forward to a little relaxation and Broderick can't wait for his cousins to come!


  1. fun to hear more of what your recent days have been filled with. have wonderful adventures with terrean and family!

  2. yeah, just a few more hours til we leave!! i should be packing, whoops...
