Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We have enjoyed having Brad's parents here and were happy that we were able to celebrate Easter with family. Holidays don't feel like holidays when you're away from friends and family. We are so thankful for Christ's ultimate gift in his death on the cross and that he arose from the grave.

Anika posing in her crib.

Having someone here to help with the kids allowed Brad and I to take a long bike ride. He rides everyday to work, so he is in better shape than me. My butt was so sore!!!!

Ron and Jane Easter Morning.

Easter Morning

The kids with their Easter baskets.

We actually gave them their Easter baskets Saturday morning and then had Broderick search for eggs. He would find one, then shake it to make sure there was candy inside, then he would have to empty it before moving on to the next one.

We went to church Easter morning and then went out for a nice lunch.

Anika in her Easter Dress.

This dress is one I wore to my Aunt and Uncles wedding when I was a baby. How neat that Anika is able to wear it now.

Broderick had mama and bop-pop read him a lot of books while they were here.

Anika getting ready for bed.

Giving Daddy kisses.
We've been able to take a lot of walks lately with the weather. Broderick has a little attachment that he stands on.

Ron and Jane were supposed to leave Thursday, unfortunately Brad's grandma (Ron's mom) isn't doing well and they think she may have only days left. So, they were able to switch their tickets to today and hopefully will be home in time to spend some time with her and say good-bye. We're praying that she is comfortable and peaceful. Brad would like to go home, but we cannot leave the country until we have Anika's passport. So if Brad does go, he would go alone.


  1. sweet pictures. I really liked the second easter dress one and anika in her onesie...she continues to change so quickly! she looked a lot older in these pics to me...more alert. thinking of you all as you long to be home with brad's grandma.

  2. What a cutie! Congrats on your new arrival. God Bless you as you raise her.

  3. I love it that Anika gets to wear you dress. Braedon has been able to wear three outfits of Lynwood's that Leann kept. He thinks it is really cool. Right now he is wearing a three piece brown suit. I will have to update pictures with it!
