Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Brad!!!

Tillykke Med Fødselsdagen! That's how you say Happy Birthday in Danish. And yesterday, my dear husband turned 30. What's happening to us? We're getting old!

So how do you celebrate turning 30 in a foreign country ...... you go to a monster truck show of course! Well actually, our decision to go had nothing to do with the fact that it was Brad's birthday, but we thought Broderick would enjoy it.

Watching the monster truck crush some cars.

Daddy and Broderick checking out the big trucks.

The amazing thing about the show was that we were like 5 feet from these trucks at times, and there was no rail or safety feature in front of us. It was a bit scary at times. It was a cultural experience if nothing else to see something like this in our small town here.

Brad's favorite treat from back home is chicken lips from the restaurant Martinis in our home town. He misses them and often laments that he doesn't get them here.

So, I attempted to make the home made version for his birthday. He was pretty excited.

Broderick made daddy a card and gave him bubbles. (I'm sure Brad was thrilled.)

Daddy and his 2 kids. What more could a guy want on his birthday?

Tonight, we were able to get a babysitter and went to eat at Azzuro, our favorite Italian restaurant in Aalborg.

Anika slept the entire time, so it was almost like having a date with no children.

Oh, and I thought I would include a picture of Anika being weighed by our home nurse. She wraps her up in a big cloth diaper and hangs her from a scale. Anika is not a fan of this and screams during the process. She has gained 1 kilogram so far. Wow - they grow so fast.

My brother Eric and his wife had a baby boy yesterday, John Paul. She needed a c-section since the baby flipped to a breech position. What a lucky little boy to share a birthday with Brad. So thankful that everyone is healthy and well.

Happy Birthday Brad! We hope you had a great 30th. You are a great father and a wonderful husband. Thanks for all that you do for us. God has blessed us by putting you in our lives! We love you so much! Love, Megan, Broderick, and Anika

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