Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Last week, our friends Ben and Amanda from Iowa came to visit us. We met them in Copenhagen and then spent a few days in London. We loved the city. One big selling point .... they speak English. =)

Here's the double decker bus that we toured on. We learned so much about the city by doing this.

Changing of the gaurds at Buckingham Palace.

Amanda and I at Buckingham Palace

Broderick in front of a horse arena.

The famous red telephone booths. They were everywhere.

Houses of Parliament, what an amazing building.

Mommy and Broderick at Westminiser Abbey.

Westminister Abbey.

St. Paul's cathedral, this would be where Charles and Diana were married.

The Tower Bridge and the boat in front of it is the HMS Belfast. This is the ship that fired the first shots on D-Day.

Tower Bridge

England has some traditional dishes. Brad had fish and chips every night I believe and this is a meat pie. Mmmmm ... good. (Except the peas, I don't like peas.)

One day we went up in the London Eye, you could see some amazing views of the city.

Inside the eye... if only we could get a picture with the whole family actually looking at the camera.

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

After we went in the eye, Brad took Broderick to some parks while the rest of us went shopping. What a great husband. I think the two of them had a lot of fun. Here Broderick is in front of the Kensington Palace.

We ate at the oldest restaurant in London, Rule's. It was started in 1798. Very good!!!

We took Broderick to the IMAX and watched Under the Sea in 3D. I think Broderick was scared of the fish coming at him and the glasses didn't stay on for long.

This soldier helped keep Broderick behaving. When he would act up, Brad would pretend to call the soldier on his cell phone and Broderick would quickly start listening.

Tower of London

This is Harrod's, one of the biggest shopping stores in the world. And it is big, probably too big. While we were there, I walked into this area and there were security gaurds/bodygaurds all over. I thought maybe there was a shoplifter they were looking for or something. Then I see this man talking to Oprah via Skype. He was the owner of Harrods and those were his bodygaurds. So we are in the background part of the time that he was on Oprah. A little bit of excitement for us!

We flew back to Denmark and they spend a couple of days here with us also. It was so good to have some friends visit. I'm feeling pretty well back to normal after the baby other than being tired from the middle of the night feedings. So thankful for this so I can walk a lot and still feel good. I hope we get the chance to visit this city again. There is so much history there.

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