Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Time Flies

I can not believe it.

It is officially less then 2 months until we move home.

It has been been about 21 months since Brad has moved here.

It has been 18 months since Broderick and I have joined him.

And it has been over 11 months since Anika has joined our family.

I still can not believe how fast time has gone and I'm a little sad.

I'm sure these last 2 months will fly by. There's a few things we still want to do and so many people we want to make sure we spend time with before we leave. And of course we have lots of PACKING!!!!!

But I'm not going to start tonight ... I'm hoping to be able to watch the USA vs Canada hockey game. Go USA!!!!!!!

And here's a pic just because she's so cute.
I can't believe she's almost one.


  1. Time does go fast! Enjoy your last two months there and if there's anything left you want to it! A year from now you will be looking back and wondering..."Did we really do that?" It all seems so surreal to us now that we ever lived abroad!

  2. You are right! The time does fly by- I remember us two preggos waiting for our little girls to be born! Now they are almost one!
    Maybe when you get back to the States we can finally get them together-

  3. yes it is amazing how time flies... I remember when Brian first told me that you were coming and going to live in our neighbourhood. I was so excited to get to know you and for the boys to get to know eachother and play. And then this summer we are going to be together in the US! Can't wait for the 2 months to fly too... But I hope that you will have time for what you want to do in Europe before leaving.

  4. Our sweetest little girl is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to get better acquainted!
    Grandma Jane
