Thursday, March 19, 2009

She's Coming.....

So tomorrow is the big day. The plan is to call the hospital at 7:30 in the morning and then they will tell me when to come in. This could be, "Come right down, we're ready for you" or "we're full, please come in 10 hours." I think you know which one I want. I am ready to meet our little girl and to relieve the pressure on my ribs because I cannot handle it anymore. So please pray that we can get in right away to the unit. Then they will start me on medication given every 6 hours as needed, the same as with Broderick. I'm really praying that it will progress faster than it did with Broderick. When I am dilated enough, then they will break my water. I am unsure about the pain medications. I know they have them, but they do not give them out readily. So, I need to be really dramatic so they really think I can't handle it.
Tuesday night, we went out to eat with another couple who are due with their first child a couple weeks after my due date. This was our last night out alone in awhile I'm sure.
We picked up my mom from the airport Wednesday afternoon. Broderick had flowers and a Danish flag waiting for her. He was pretty excited.
So, here we are. The final family photo as a 3 person family. You can definitely see my belly here. People have been asking for belly pics, this is as good as you are going to get. =) Poor Broderick doesn't want to make this easy for us though, so he has decided to get sick. Yesterday he started coughing and having a runny nose. Then this evening, he is wheezing and a low fever. Our neighbor across the street is a nurse for our doctor. So I went to get advice from her on what to do as I really would like to have this baby tomorrow, but I don't want to wait for Broderick to see a doctor, especially if we're going to bring a newborn back into the same house - we want him healthy. So my poor mom may have to take Broderick to the doctor, she'll know more than we will about visiting our doctor her as we have never taken Broderick to this doctor.
I guess its always something to keep things interesting. Thanks for all the prayers so far, things have gone amazing well here. Please pray tomorrow for a safe and speedy delivery. And please pray that Broderick can be healthy and heal quickly.
Hopefully we'll be posting again soon with some pictures and news of our new daughter or as Broderick says, "my wittle sisto".


  1. How Exciting! Can't wait to hear that she's here safely:)

  2. Can't wait to see pics of your little girl and find out her name! I've never seen your hair straight...looks good, makes you look so different, always fun to change it up now and then :) Happy Labor Day tomorrow!

  3. I am praying for you guys- been thinking about it all day!
    As soon as we brought Isabel home Jason got sick with a cold, cough and fever too so I know that it can be stressful. Luckily Isabel didn't catch a thing so don't worry. Have a quick, healthy delivery with LOTS of drugs.
