Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cologne, Germany

This past weekend, we visited some friends in Cologne (Köln), Germany. They are originally from Italy and had lived in Burlington, Iowa for a couple of years. We got to know them then. They now got transferred to Germany, so we were so excited to be able to meet up with them again.
The city is well known for the Kölner Dom, which is one of the biggest cathedrals in the world. It was amazing and beautiful, but so sad how dirty pollution has made it.
Broderick loves to ride in the carts at the Copenhagen Airport.
Broderick jumping on the couch at our friends apartment. These are their 2 little girls, Giulia and Sylvia.
They gave us a gift for the baby, Does it look like the right size?
Broderick and Giulia playing Bob the Builder.
Michele and Sylvia
Brad, Michele and Cinzia enjoying dinner - a good freshly cooked Italian meal.

Broderick trying to give Giulia a kiss.

Cinzia and Sylvia walking in Cologne.
Enjoying a German pretzel, yummy!!!

More pictures of Kölner Dom
The Dicuonzo Family.

In front of the Rhine River.

Brad and Michele walking through Köln.
Where we had a good traditional German lunch. That's right ... sausage, schweinshaxen, sauerkraut, potatoes. What else could you ask for? (Except maybe the heavy sick feeling in your stomach later.)

Broderick and Brad walking through town.
Chasing a bird.
Broderick and Giulia watching a movie together. Their kids are so cute.
The next day we took the kids to the Köln Zoo. They loved it ... Broderick loves animals. He's so funny. An anteater came right up to the glass and was staring at Broderick. He had come after Broderick was yelling at him, "Come here, I said come here!" and would point to the ground in front of him. It was so weird that the animal came right over to where he was pointing. We think Broderick thought he had some special power over the animals from that point on and would get quite frustrated when they wouldn't do what he said. When the anteater came, Broderick then was telling him, "Hi, my name is Broderick. I said, my name is Broderick." And would keep repeating it. It was priceless. I wish I could have gotten video.
Unfortunately after this picture, my camera battery was officially dead and so nothing else was captured on film.
It was a great time, but after walking all day on Saturday and Sunday, I was ready for some rest and think I'll take it pretty easy until the baby arrives. Only 2 more weeks! So soon, yet it seems so far away still.
We're excited that Brad's brother Aaron is in town for business. They are actually about an hour and a half south from us, but we'll meet up with him Friday night and he'll stay with us for the weekend. We're so happy to have some family here. It will be great to see him. Broderick of course is excited as well, but extremely said that his cousins, Joo-joo (Jared) and Wosie (Rose) aren't with him.
We hope you all have a great weekend.

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