Friday, October 2, 2009

Help from the In-laws

We were so lucky to have Brad's parents stop in Denmark at the end of a little vacation in Europe. We were all so excited to see them - especially the grandkids.
Here's Grandma Jane with Broderick and Anika at the airport.
Grandpa Ron entertaining Anika.
Enjoying a nice evening out with the parents

Having them visit gave me a great opportunity to fly back to the US since I would have someone to help me with the kids on the flight. I was excited to go so I could see everyone, but also so people could meet Anika. Most of our family had not met her yet.

They were a HUGE help to me on the flight. I'm glad I did not attempt this on my own because I probably would have had a meltdown early on in the trip. You just never know when there may be a problem. The kids may be great .... or you may have 2 kids screaming at once.

For example ... on the short little flight from Aalborg to Copenhagen .... a flight that is only 30 minutes .... one that we have done countless times with Broderick ..... he decided to have a complete meltdown. A COMPLETE meltdown.

He decided he wanted a particular window seat. I'm sorry Broderick there are already people sitting in those seats ... meltdown begins. This not only is embarressing, but causing quite the traffic jam as people are trying to get on the plane. The nice flight attendant comes to our rescue and gives us another window seat. This should make him happy, but the flight attendant didn't realize that the window the girl is sitting by is clearly better than the one offered to Broderick.

Meltdown continues.

So I am dragging a screaming almost 3 year old down this little aisle while holding my content, but still requiring my hands, infant and the carryon bags.

Now you see why there was a need for extra hands. As I passed Ron and Jane's row I handed Anika over to them and was able to focus my attention on Broderick. Eventually, after I pulled out his pacifier and blanket and monkey and the flight attendant gave him juice and toys and other bribes ... Broderick was fine and was actually fine the rest of the way to America.

Maybe it was better that we got it out of the way early.

We were lucky enough to get a bassinet seat for Anika on the way there. Even though Anika is not a great sleeper and likes to be held most of the time, this was great. It allowed us to have free hands part of the time. SO nice!
Broderick sat by Grandpa Ron most of the time and Grandpa did great. He entertained him in many different ways and then finally asked for the DVD player. This is a crucial way to pass time on a 9 hour flight. So, we get it out and the battery is dead! Completely dead! I'm not sure what happened, but it was not good. Poor Ron - he was probably wondering if he was ever going to get a break.

We landed in Chicago and my parents picked me and the kids and we went home with them to spend some time before heading out to Iowa. The flight actually went better than expected, but unfortunately the kids don't understand what a time change is and enjoyed waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning for the next few nights. Everyone is well adjusted now though and we are having a great time.

More to follow ....

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