Sunday, September 21, 2008

At the Beach!!!

Today we visited the west coast of Denmark to see the beach and the ocean. It was a nice day in the 60's, so we had a good time. Broderick loved running in the sand and kicking it. There were fishing boats out, so Broderick was pretty excited to see those as well.All along the beach there are WWII bunkers that the Germans built after invading Denmark. (Which took all of 45 minutes to take over.) They were trying to protect the coast. I know I have certain nephews that would love to see those and climb around in them. Isn't that right Joseph, Jack, and Jesse?
There was a long pier that went out in the ocean and Broderick wanted to walk along it again and again. Thankfully Grandma was more than willing because as you went out farther, the smell of fish was overpowering and there were some dead fish on the rocks. Not good on a person with morning sickness. =) Broderick thought the pier looked like a train track, so he thought he was being like a train.
After was walked along the beach, we went into the coastal town and ate at a little cafe and visited a candy store. I don't know who was more excited - Brad or Broderick. My mom got some different kinds to try and take back home too. The town had a really nice area to walk around with lots of little shops (which were actually open on Sunday), but Broderick had woke up early and needed a nap so we headed home. For dinner, we had a girls night out. Brad didn't think Broderick would cooperate during a lengthy meal, so he took him while my mom and I went to a restaurant near the park in town. The food was really good. I would tell you what we had if I had a prayer of being able to pronounce or write what they were called, but we were impressed with the traditional
Danish dishes. Thankful since who knows what we could have ended up ordering since we couldn't read the menu and our waitress spoke very broken English. Brad brought Broderick over to the park on his bike so we met them outside and let him play a little bit.

Tomorrow morning is my doctor appointment. Pray that goes well. And its my mom's last day here. It will be sad when she leaves. Good night to all. I'm heading to bed.

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