Wednesday, October 29, 2008

God Dag! or Good Day as they say in Danish. I thought you would all like a picture of Broderick in his nightly ritual. When we put his pajamas on, he has to run around naked for a few minutes before he wants to get dressed again. Here he is in all his glory. Broderick and I went to Aalborg today to my friend Tina's house and she had another friend there as well with her little girl, Elma. It was so good to hang out with girls and eat and talk. She had all sorts of good cheeses and meats with fresh rolls and danishes. I learned a few traditional snacks that they like to eat- like thin chocolate wafers on your buttered roll. It was quite good.
Broderick and Jeppe going outside to play.

Broderick borrowed a snowsuit (no, there's no snow, just weating it to stay warm.), it was a little short on his legs, but it worked.
Broderick was so excited to go to Jeppe's house, but when we got there, he wanted to be by mommy the whole time and when he played with Jeppe, there was many, "NO, mine!" being heard. The boys ended up - Jeppe outside in the sandbox and Broderick inside in their toy room. They played really well then. Surely they eventually learn how to play with other kids, right?
This picture doesn't really do it justice, but they have the most amazing rainbows over here. I guess there's one upside to all the rain. You can see from one end to the other and the colors are so clear. Wish you could see it in person.


  1. I see Broderick is becoming more European by the day.

  2. Yes, he's already quite comfortable in the nude.

  3. It is great to get your updates. Let me know if you are in town long enough to get together. If not we will see you at Christmas I am sure!
