Thursday, October 2, 2008

What we're missing

A lot of people have asked me: what do you miss over there? What new things are you discovering over there? Well I can tell you one thing I am desperately missing : a garbage disposal. I've never been without one, even in our apartment in college, so I'm not liking being without. I also can't find grape jelly over here and I know its a kid food, but I love PBJ sandwiches with grape jelly, so I'm missing that. Weird, I know. Broderick is missing his lucky charms. Its his favorite cereal and I had brought a box, but its gone now, so Broderick is sad about that. Brad doesn't miss too much, but if there's something that he ever gets a craving for, its chicken lips from Martinis. I know there's a recipe for them, but since I don't really like them, I haven't had a great urge to make them for him. He also misses a lot of his coworkers from Hawkeye. Of course we all miss our family and friends. There are things that we like over here. One obvious thing would be the bakeries. So many fresh choices to choose from. One of the coolest things they have over here are these ice bags. Most people don't have ice makers, and they don't sell ice over here (or I haven't found it yet if they do). So they have these plastic bags with perforations in them. You just fill it up with water and the perforations make the individual ice cubes. After its frozen you break them apart and have a bag of ice. Pretty cool.

Not much else to tell you about today. Broderick and Daddy sound like they're having a lot of fun, so I should go join in before we put the little guy to bed.

1 comment:

  1. We have those here, too, but I can't get them to work! The plastic sticks to the cubes!!! If you figure it out, let me know. Am I missing something??? :) We've sort-of learned to live with warm water and warm pop. Ice cubes are for company now. :)
