Saturday, November 1, 2008

Skallerup Klit

So after the airport mishap yesterday, we thought we should do something fun today. We headed to a place called Skallerup Klit about a half hour away from us. Our neighbor told us there was an indoor water park there and Broderick would like it. We're so glad we went as it is actually a big resort located right on the North Sea. There is a ton of stuff to do there and we're looking to spending a weekend there sometime when the weather is nicer. There is a big Roman Bath Spa located there that looks awesome as well.
When we got there, we start unloading the car and Brad asks me if I brought his swimsuit. Ummmm, no - was I supposed to? So we went searching for a new swimsuit and thankfully the grocery there sold them. Yes, I said grocery store. I almost had him convinced to buy a bikini speedo, unfortunately they didn't have his size.
Broderick had a lot of fun. We had told him this was a lot like Fun City in Burlington, so all day Broderick has been talking about Fun City. To him, that is the name of this place.
I wish I could have gotten more pictures, but I didn't have my camera with me for most of the day and when I did I had the problem of the lens fogging up right away.
At this resort, they have tons of little cottages nestled in the dunes there. It was really beautiful.
Here is more of the view from the resort.
We had a fun day and are glad we found this place. Unfortunately Broderick got a shortened nap in today because of the activities and threw a major tantrum a little while ago. Ahhhh, the fun age of two. Until next time....

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